Thursday, December 27, 2012

Heart Disease

Dear Nurse Annie,
I just saw a new doctor. He wants to send me for testing of third stage heart disease, because my blood pressure has been high most of the year.
He told me to stop Caffeine and Salt.
He wants me to keep a Blood pressure log.
Is an Echo painful? I am scheduled for one?
I’m scared. What do I do?   
Scared Solomon
Dear Solomon,
You have good reason to be scared.
When do you go back to see your doctor?
It is a good idea to reduce salt and caffeine.
Let me know what your blood pressures are when you write again.
An Echo is not painful.
What do you do?
Relax. Take a walk every day.
Have a little fun with your family and hobbies.
Let me know how you do.
Nurse Annie.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

NYC Christmas

New York City!


Wednesday, December 12, 2012


By PJ Reese

Vivid images.
Youthful Pregnancy.
Historical mystery.
Family Drama.
Enjoy the read: Get the book.
Roxy is available on Amazon:

Thursday, December 6, 2012

The Eating Season

What works for you
During the
Holiday Season?

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Know about God

What Everyone Ought to Know about God

By Anne Peterson

I am blessed to be in a writing group with this Author. I mention a problem she prays for me. She does not say, “I’ll pray for you.” She prays right then and there. It is inspiring to rub words with this successful author.

Anne has outlined her relationship with God for us to view. She wrote down for us to read what God whispered to her. She had even noted what Satan whispered to her.

You have a chance to see in the heart of this Christian.

Quick buy this book.

Laura Mc Coy

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Surviving and Thriving

Surviving and Thriving
The first year as a new teacher!

Tessa offers Great tips for surviving the first year as a new teacher.
Order it now on Amazon!

Thursday, November 15, 2012



Show Off

Edited by Joe Bunting

Do you seek the truth?

Would you like to read a confession?

“The Worst Christmas Ever”

10 short stories by 10 Authors.

“If I had a Hammer”

Do you like confessions?

Watch this editor.

Buy this book. Enjoy a great read.

Friday, November 9, 2012



Scribbles: Both street sides

Graffiti by Alene Snodgrass is a creative glimpse of Sincerity and Sensitivity.
Life on the Flip Side.
A must read.
Watch for the release.
I was Blown Away.


Thursday, November 1, 2012

Scared Sam


Dear Nurse Annie,

My blood pressure is staying down with pills, but my wife thinks I could do better. What should I be eating? I like meat and lots of it. 

Scared Sam

Dear Sam,

What to eat is a good question. We are all looking for way to eat better and still enjoy our food.

Saturated fat: (Meat) Make every bite count. The body has to fight off saturated fat and can make bad decisions about storing it. So we have heart disease.  

Ocean Fish: Add some of this. Look for ways you enjoy fish. (Not fried).

Vegetables: Eat lots. Explore new ways. Raw. Chopped. Steamed. Just enjoy lots of fiber.

Fruit: Eat a lot.

Grains: IF you like grains eat whole grains. Mushed grains are not whole grains no matter what the box claims.

Let me know what you think.

Nurse Annie.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Book Review
By Max Andrew Dubinsky
I opened this work late,
“I’ll just get started and fall asleep.”
Riveted to my reader, I sped through pages.
Max writes VIVID with Description.
Images lit up in my mind’s eye.  
What is the Character up to? I have no idea.
Max recommends checking:
By Max Andrew Dubinsky
I opened this work late,
“I’ll just get started and fall asleep.”
Riveted to my reader, I sped through pages.
Max writes VIVID with Description.
Images lit up in my mind’s eye.  
What is the Character up to? I have no idea.
Max recommends checking:
I was not a reader of Graphic novels.
I am now. I’m sold. I can’t wait to SEE more…
Dislocated is a must read.
Buy it NOW!
I was not a reader of Graphic novels.
I am now. I’m sold. I can’t wait to SEE more…
Dislocated is a must read.
Buy it NOW!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Dear Nurse Annie,

My blood pressure is up. My doctor wants me to take pills. I mean it was really, really high.

My wife says we can lower our blood pressure by eating better.

Annie, this really scared me. What can I possibly do?

I work all day driving my van starting at 4 am. The stress is awful. I pop in cheap places and eat crap.

What can I really do?

Scared Sam.

Dear Sam,

Sam I hear you.  Take a deep breath and let it out slowly. Let yourself relax and ease off worrying.

There is a lot you can do to feel better. First, of all promise me you will take the pills until your doctor agrees that you can safely stop or reduce them. Your wife is right, you can eat better and your blood pressure will get better. 

1.       At sunrise, take a break with a little relaxing walk. 20 minutes is good. But don’t worry if it is less or more.

2.       Make good solid changes very slowly. Make a good decision and implement it over weeks. In 3 weeks you’ll have a new habit.

3.       Drink some water. Actually, drink a lot of water.  No.  Coffee, tea, beer, fruit juice don’t count as water. (But hey, juice is better than nothing.)

4.       Hide the salt and preserved foods.

5.       Have a little fun. Instead of driving though a fast food line for French fries, Stop in a healthy deli. Try something you have never tried before. IF you like it do it again. When you drive by a fresh fruit stand or farmers market pick up a little something you like or don’t usually eat. You can keep water in the van for washing fresh food. Enjoy fresh locally grown fruits and veggies. 

6.       When you try a new food just buy a little bit, one red pepper is OK if you have never eaten one.  Then take a little taste. You don’t even have to swallow it. Just taste it every day for a while. Maybe you will add it to your diet maybe you won’t. Try it again in a month or a year. You will like it better. Just have fun.

Sam, Let me know how things go for you next week.  

Nurse Annie.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Dr Weils Anti Inf.Pymraid

Food Pyramid
 Dr. Weil’s Anti-Inflammatory Food Pyramid - What Is It?
The food charts are fascinating.
This is well worth clicking to for health details and if you want to eat better.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Do first?

Got a list of what you must do?
How do you decide what to do first?

Thursday, September 20, 2012

How Do you get things Done?


Do you start with a list?
Let me know?

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Lets Write a Short Story

Let’s Write a Short Story!

Book Review for author, Joe Bunting

Why write short stories? Short stories give writing practice.  Short stories provide success or failure and payment faster.

Know what you are doing to be successful, Bunting stresses.

This book provides an outline on how to write a successful short story.  Bunting gives details on how to complete successful submissions. This must keep reference gives valuable resources of where to submit your work.

Do you want to write a successful short story?

Buy this book! Be successful.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Busy Mom

Too Busy!
Remember your most important duties!
Take good care or your self!

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Too Busy



I'm Just Too Busy. How Do I Find More Time?

By , Guide
Updated November 23, 2011

A nice Article on Managing Time.
Never easy! Good luck!

Tuesday, July 31, 2012


Wrecked: Requested review by author Jeff Goins.
We live our pleasure seeking, stuff accumulating lives and try to keep the big secret. Pleasure seeking does not make us happy. When we can stand the secret no longer, what do we do now? We are listless, no direction, no plans. We live in fear. We’re Wrecked!
Goins:  “What it means to be wrecked—what it really means—is that you
do the hard thing. You step into discomfort. And this is how
life is…. Life is not about you.” “Welcome the anxiety that comes with doing the right choice.”

Understand what I am saying here. The book releases August 1. Buy it!

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Gas Foods

Dear Nurse Annie,
My baby is still crying. I am so exhausted. My mother says I could be eating something that is hurting my son. I am so tired I want to quit breast feeding.
What can I do?
Exhausted Ethel.

Dear Ethel,
I am sorry this problem continues.
I would encourage you to review your diet before you quit breastfeeding.
Foods the mother eats that may add to gas in babies
Acid foods: Tomatoes, citrus, vinegar, cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, beans, peppers, cucumbers, garlic, onion .
Allergies: If you are allergic to a food it is a good idea to avoid it. Examples: Cow’s milk, fish, eggs, wheat, citrus.
Just eating less of these foods may help.
I know you are tired Ethel. Do keep me up to date on how you are doing.
Nurse Annie

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Crying Baby

Dear Nurse Annie.
My son cries even more now. I rarely sleep more than a few minutes. My mother says to put my baby  on his belly and let him cry it out. The packet from the hospital says not to put him on his belly.
What can I do?
Exhausted Ethel.

Dear Ethel,
I am so sorry your baby is still crying. It is not recommended for a baby so young to belly sleep.
At this point I would suggest you visit with your Pediatrician.
You are exhausted and need help.
This could be a time to adjust what your baby is eating. You need to discuss your routine with the nurse and work into a more comfortable situation with your baby.
Do let me know how your visit goes.
Nurse Annie.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Cry Baby

Dear Nurse Annie,
My baby has been such a good boy since his birth a month ago. Not that he sleeps all night, but when he does wake, I care for him and we go back to sleep. But lately he just stays awake and cries. He can cry for hours. We are both exhausted. My mother showed me to mummy him. Is this safe?  Help! Exhausted Ethel.

Dear Ethel,
Congratulations on the birth of your baby boy. As you are noticing there can be a change in belly status around a month of age. There can be  a change in sleeping and activity habits.
1.       In my nursing student days in the newborn nursery I was taught to swaddle the baby with their arms at there sides. They often instantly relax and feel safe. I used it with my babies. Most babies wiggle out of it. Always watch to allow unobstructed baby breathing.
2.       Around now the belly becomes an even bigger issue. Gas-sy! If you are using any cow’s milk formula rethink it. (Soy may work better if DR. allows.)  If all mama made milk rethink recent diet that may have gassy foods. (last 2-5 days). If you have introduced any baby cereals. Think on this a bit. Might run this past your Pedi nurse you have another long night.
3.       Do you allow him to suck to exercise and relieve stress?  A Pacifier? (Not all agree with this either. ) After your dinner is a good time to exercise to wear down for bedtime.
4.       So often at his age the problem is a gas bubble, even in the best of food places . Laying on the side and massaging the back and belly can help. Lay on right side to relieve gas, but sometimes switching to left side helps for a few minutes.
Sleep well!  
Nurse Annie

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Disaster Get out Quick

Disaster: Getting Out Quick!

What if you had to get out of your home in minutes?

What would grab?

1.       Water?

2.       Food?

3.       Wedding pictures?

4.       Kids?

5.       Pets?

6.       Jacket?

Do you keep essentials packed for overnight and near the door?

1.       Overnight bag?

2.       Diaper bag?

3.       Pet bag?

Definitely worth thinking about.

 What would you take in an emergency evacuation?

What would you grab it you had 5 minutes to leave your house?

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Disaster: Staying Home

Disaster: Saying Home
What if you are in your home during a community disaster? You could be home for days with no electricity or water?
How would you prepare? What would you need?
1.       Water: What would you use for water? Do you stock bottled water? Do you have another water source?
2.       Food: Frozen food would not stay frozen. How would you deal with melting food? Do you keep canned foods?
3.       Cooking: How would you cook or boil water to reduce germs? If you Grill, Do you have ample fuel for a grill?
4.       Sanitation: Are you set up to manage human waste water free and keep sanity?
There is a lot to think about in a disaster preparation.  What do you do to prepare your home?

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Are You Ready?

Do you live in Earthquake land? Or Hurricane? What about tornado alley? Fire risk?

What do you need in a disaster? Are you prepared?

Are you prepared to stay in your home with no energy or running water?

How quickly cold you evacuate your home?

What would you need?

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Bad Vibrations

Dear Nurse Annie,

My son told me I was giving him bad vibrations.

This hurt my feelings. I have no idea what he is talking about.

Is there anything to this?

Is there anything I can do about this?

Please help.

Hurt Harriet.

Dear Harriet,

Many believe we have an Aura or a glow of energy around us.

It is possible this is what he is referring to.

Some believe negative feelings and situations can reduce our Auras.

There are suggestions to cleanse your body and mind.

A few suggestions include:

1.        Getting sun for a few minutes a day.

2.       Soaking in salt water.

3.       Cool showers.

4.       Sound therapy. Example: chanting “Om”.

5.       Reduce exposure to electrical fields. Avoid sleeping near electrical devices.

6.       Some like certain crystals, oils, and scents.

7.       Alertness  to places or situations that leave you feeling drained.

Harriet I hope you find this information helpful.

Our Children do challenge us. Don’t they.

Nurse Annie.

Thursday, May 31, 2012


Do certain foods cause tooth decay, plaque?
Sugary products stick in teeth and break them down. 
Bread and pasta break down to sugar.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Circle of Life

Do you See Circles in Life?
Hungry, Cook, Eat, Clean up?
Wake, Sleep?
Something to think about!

Friday, May 18, 2012



I just don’t get all this talk you people do about breakfast and worry about your weight.

I work a busy evening job and don’t eat breakfast. I do have something I want to eat before I leave for work. I have dinner with my co-workers before I go home. My weight is fine.

I do something fun when I am off work. Bike or Climb.

You people are obsessing over something natural.

Eat what you want when you are hungry.

Have fun.

You will be fine.

Just John.

Dear John,

Thank you for your opinion.

Nurse Annie.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Lost Weight comes Back

All the effort to Loose Weight
Back it Comes?
Joy Bauer, Fit Club, Suggests:
1. Stay focused with planned Splurge!
2. Try on Favorite Tight clothes. Frequently!
3. Always have a planned fitness event on the horizon.
See Segment:

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Breakfast: A Trail Mix Walk

Dear Nurse Annie,

Thank you for supporting me and not trying to make me eat a big, heavy breakfast. Everyone else I have talked with pushed morning protein. It just smells bad.

I did ask the coffee place about the additives in the coffee. They said corn syrup was one. Is this bad? I have been adding only half and half. I am coming to like this and do not have the intense need to eat in about 90 minutes.

I do have a break at work in the morning and like to walk outside for a few minutes. I would like to take a snack with me that I could eat while I walk. Any suggestions?
 Hungry Francis.

Dear Francis,

It certainly sounds like you are making progress.

In answer to your coffee question. Many folks do react to corn syrup. Since you are not using it and do feel better you may avoid it for a while. I agree with half and half. You might transition to a lower fat creamer in a few months.

As to snacking when you walk, you might look the trail mixes over in the store or snack bars and see what you like. You could carry these in your pocket and use a few different ones until you decide what you like.

You might  eat a few nuts, fruit and veggies. Avoid sugars and excess fats for breakfast.

Sure sounds like you are making progress, Francis.

Let me know how you are doing.

Nurse Annie.

Thursday, April 26, 2012


Dear Nurse Annie,
I keep hearing eating breakfast is good for you and helps keep weight down. I have gained weight lately and want help to lose it.
I have absolutely no interest in eating at breakfast time. I feel sick at the smell of cooked breakfast meat and just don’t like eggs.
I do like coffee. A coffee shop drink is all I can get down on the way to work.
By mid-morning I am starving and stuff myself with snacks from the machines at work.
This is not good. I don’t know what to do. Help.
Fat, Hungry Francis.
Dear Francis,
I can understand not wanting to eat early in the morning. Many folks do break the nightly fast with coffee. I would suggest you consider what is being put the coffee. High amounts of sugar or corn syrup may well drop your blood sugar after you pour them in. The body reaction  would be  you are  ravenously hungry. I can understand the trip to the vending machines and agree with you that the machines are not the best choice.
The next step is to address what to eat when you do want to eat. What would you like to eat when you do become hungry?
Consider choices that are good for you. You could purchase at work or bring food from home to snack before lunch.
Let me know what you think.
I do applaud you in looking for good ways to solve this problem.
Nurse Annie.