Dear Nurse Annie,
I keep hearing eating breakfast is good for you and helps keep weight down. I have gained weight lately and want help to lose it.
I have absolutely no interest in eating at breakfast time. I feel sick at the smell of cooked breakfast meat and just don’t like eggs.
I do like coffee. A coffee shop drink is all I can get down on the way to work.
By mid-morning I am starving and stuff myself with snacks from the machines at work.
This is not good. I don’t know what to do. Help.
Fat, Hungry Francis.
Dear Francis,
I can understand not wanting to eat early in the morning. Many folks do break the nightly fast with coffee. I would suggest you consider what is being put the coffee. High amounts of sugar or corn syrup may well drop your blood sugar after you pour them in. The body reaction would be you are ravenously hungry. I can understand the trip to the vending machines and agree with you that the machines are not the best choice.
The next step is to address what to eat when you do want to eat. What would you like to eat when you do become hungry?
Consider choices that are good for you. You could purchase at work or bring food from home to snack before lunch.
Let me know what you think.
I do applaud you in looking for good ways to solve this problem.
Nurse Annie.